Does That Utility Belt Come In Black?

At approximately 25 years of age the “Martha Stewart” gene seems to activate within women. Women who normally partied until the break of dawn, and cared less whether or not they wore a bra, suddenly discover their domestic side. As I recall, this transformation began with me when I took a quilting class at age 26. Where was the cute, college, coed who liked to stay up late playing poker with the boys? Apparently she disappeared, (along with my metabolism that allowed me to eat as much fast food as I desired).

Unfortunately that is only the beginning. It is at this moment that we begin to be aware of the social and familial expectations of us as women. OH LORD ABOVE that list is long. If we marry and have kids that list can include everything from being the religious beacon of truth for the entire family to being able to host a formal sit down dinner for twelve. We become THE Wonder Woman of our own lives. And like Wonder Woman, with her red, white and blue spandex suit, we all could use a good utility belt. Here is mine:

  • BABY WIPES: I don’t care if you have children or not this little package of wetness is a key to any woman’s survival. Spill something? You can wipe it up. Dirty hands? clean them. Unidentified object on public toilet seat? No worries. With their compact size and versatility no woman should be without them.
  • ADDRESS BOOK: Inside this book you should have the following phone numbers:
    1. An Ob/Gyn whom you trust with your life, your vagina and your most trusted sexual secrets
    2. Two best friends whom you can call to complain about your husband, your children or your parents and won’t judge you or the people you are complaining about.
    3. A good babysitter that your children love and who loves your children
    4. Pizza Hut or other favorite take out facility
    5. A good hairstylist who no matter how bad you may feel always makes you feel beautiful.
  • A RECIPE FOR DESSERT AND DINNER: That’s right, even women who don’t cook should have one easy and mastered recipe at the ready for a dessert and a main course. My personal selections are “Chocolate Eclair Cake” and “Pepper-Crusted Salmon”. They both sound fancy but are so easy my 4 year old could make them.
  • A GOOD PAIR OF JEANS: As simple as this sounds it has taken me almost my entire 38 years of life to find a brand, style and size of jeans that fits me consistently. However, a good pair of jeans can be a life-saver. Wear them with heels and you are ready to go out. Toss them on with a t-shirt and flip-flops and you’re ready for the mall. They are the most universal item of clothing in your closet and no Wonder Woman would be complete without them.
  • A GOOD BRA: This is also essential to any Wonder Woman wardrobe. Where would Linda Carter be without her multi-colored corset? She sure as heck wouldn’t be Wonder Woman and neither will you. This bra is neither lacy nor meant to be seen by others. This is a bra that will lift the two largest fat deposits on your body and prevent them from causing you to sweat in strange places, or scratch even stranger places.
  • EMOTIONAL ARMOR: Perhaps Linda Carter could actually repel bullets with her breastplate but we real Wonder Women need to be able to repel the emotional bullets flung at ourselves and our children. Every morning you should be prepared to protect and fight for those things most important to you and not caring what others think about you is a critical component to achieving this goal. Trust me, if Wonder Woman really cared what other people thought she wouldn’t be wearing thigh-high red boots.

Most importantly as we transform from girls to women, women to wives, wives to mothers, remember the Wonder Women who came before us. The courageous, brave women who struggled with the same balancing act we all face. So girls, lace up those boots, and strap on that utility belt it is time to lead the charge.

Special thanks to Scribbit for the topic idea. Wish me luck as I enter this post for her monthly “Write-Away” contest.

9 thoughts on “Does That Utility Belt Come In Black?”

  1. Okay this is terrific! I love the dessert/dinner idea and have to ask when you’re going to post the dessert recipe–I’m a sucker for anything remotely pastry-ish.

  2. And if you find that pair of jeans, BUY MORE THAN ONE PAIR. ‘Cause they’ll stop making them before you need another.

  3. Scribbit – I’ve been meaning to post my chocolate eclair cake recipe for awhile, but I must admit that it isn’t mine. I actually got it out of a Cooking Light cookbook. I’ll post it soon though. It’s very yummy and widely requested at family gatherings.

  4. Congratulations on your honorable mention. Funny post, but written with a clever slant.

  5. Congrats on your honorable mention..i loved the topic too. And I loved your take on it…I think I need a utility belt for all of my trick of the trade too…Mom’s life is the best!

  6. I couldn’t agree more with the Jeans and Good Bra! Nothing makes a girl feel wonderful than a good pair of jeans and a good bra for the girls!

    Great post!

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